As someone new to blogging (yes, it's true, even though someone near and dear recently pointed out that this is all the rage for the 35-49 demo...), it's been suggested I offer a quick intro of myself so people have an idea of who they're reaching out to with questions, etc. regarding AFPTeaches.
SO - I'm Diane, a professional fundraiser since "falling into" the profession through community development work and then in a full-time fundraising position since 1998. Over the course of the last dozen years, I've achieved (and renewed...and am about to renew) my CFRE; had the good fortune to be offered and accept an adjunct faculty position at Rockhurst University (teaching fundraising for nonprofit organizations); provided many a training / consulting session in nonprofit fundraising and administration; and visited South Africa last year to present on capital campaigns and social media at the South African Institute of Fundraising (SAIF).
It's my hope that in putting myself out here like this (photo and all) that it'll be easier for you to connect a face and name as you reach out by phone, blog and/or email - and hopefully in person at AFP events! - to inquire about our AFPTeaches pilot program.
Here's to many of you taking this idea and running with it in your community...all of us and our profession will be better off for our collective educational pursuits!
Cheers -
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